Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ideas and tips

     The most important thing to remember and know is that YOU CAN lose weight!! If you're anything like me you've tried it all. It works for a bit then it gets old or you don't see the results you want so you stop. My problem was and is I have no follow through and when things do go well I stop. I think at some level I don't think I deserve the outcome. I don't deserve the praise. At some point you have to push those thoughts aside and just go for it. You deserve to be healthy and if you have a family they deserve to have you healthy.
      When I started my journey it was for vein reasons. Chris had lost so much weight and I weighed more than he did. Being a foot taller than me I couldn't stand that thought. It made me feel so ugly. Then I stopped and looked at my son. Looked at what he was eating. Then I felt worse. What was I doing?? When I was growing up my mom worked in the bowling alley and everyone that came in would buy me candy, cokes, burgers and fries. Then when she worked at the landfill she hardly cooked so we ate out all the time. I'm not knocking how she fed me because that's how she was raised. I think that's why I love cooking most of our meals.
      The key to my weight loss has been the cooking at home. The problem with that is that most people don't have the time to do that. Between work, kids and other things it is hard to cook dinner. If you live in a big town it's easier to just go and pick something up. That means really unhealthy food. I tell people like my mom and Becky that for them they HAVE to make time each week to prep meals. One day in the kitchen and a freezer can make all the difference. If you are serious then make the time. There are options out there for healthier choices. In San Angelo there is Smiling Moose and McAlister's. You could also run into a store like H-E-B and grab some fresh fruit and a sandwich. There are presliced veggies and fruit that you could run in and get. That's fast food. Here is a sample of the meal plan I made for my mom.

Breakfast- Smoothie and fruit
Snack- Nuts and Fruit
Lunch- Salad and Wrap(s)
Snack- Fruit and Cheese stick
Dinner- Homemade pizza and salad. For one just use a tortilla and top with pizza stuff. I use Turkey pepperoni
Snack- Fruit

      When I talk to my mom I tell her that fruit and veggies are limitless. Eat as much as you want even until you are stuffed with those and you will be OK. It helps clean you out and provides your body with great nutrients. So go ahead and eat all the fruits and veggies you want. Snack on Nuts. Watch the nuts though they can be full of sugar and salt. This tip brings into play the next key to my weight loss. Poop! If you don't poop at least once a day then it's a sign that you are not getting enough roughage. That's another good thing to me not working. I don't have to worry about going to the restroom.
      These are just a handful of my tips. My ideas. I am not a doctor and what worked for me may not work for you. It took me a long time to not use a whole box of pasta when I made spaghetti. A long time to develop a taste for fresh fruit over canned fruit. Take it one day at a time and try not to change too much too fast. Make one goal a week. Those small changes will help you make the big changes down the road.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Abused and Abandoned


  [v. uh-byooz; n. uh-byoos]  Show IPA verb,a·bused, a·bus·ing, noun
verb (used with object)
to use wrongly or improperly; misuse: to abuse one'sauthority.
to treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way: to abuse ahorse; to abuse one's eyesight.
to speak insultingly, harshly, and unjustly to or about; revile;malign.
to commit sexual assault upon.
Obsolete to deceive or mislead.
wrong or improper use; misuse: the abuse of privileges.
harshly or coarsely insulting languageThe officer heapedabuse on his men.
bad or improper treatment; maltreatment: The child wassubjected to cruel abuse.
a corrupt or improper practice or custom: the abuses of atotalitarian regime.
rape or sexual assault.


I have 2 amazing children and it's true when they say you never know how much your parents love you until you have kids of your own. I grew up with a wonderful mother she was always there for me even when no one else was, even my dad. I did however grow up with a man that would come home from work and beat me for no reason. My mother didn't know about most of it because for the most part she was never home when it happened but it was hard because as a little kid I couldn't understand why I was being hit. Once I saw a spider in the bath tub and he came in, pulled me out, threw me on the bed and beat me with a belt. I had no idea why me screaming over a spider was such a bad thing. He did the same thing when I forgot to turn on the cold water and stuck my foot in scolding hot water. There are many other times like that but really the point is my children will never have to go through that. Chris is a wonderful father and would never hit them. Seeing him as a dad makes me think about just how much my father really didn't love me. He loved me but not enough to stay a part of my life or even send birthday cards. I always thought about my dad and what he was like I often wondered what he was doing or even looked like. My mother always told me stories of him and was always sure to tell me that he loved me. As a kid I trusted what she told me was true and never questioned if he did or not, even when he passed away I still thought he loved me. But now as a parent I think how could he just walk away and never look back? I've asked Chris if he could ever walk away and he always tells me no. My mother grew up without her mother and she always tells me she could never walk away. I would be lost without my kids. Hell, I waited and prayed to hard for them to ever be so selfish. I recently went to a funeral and the preacher said "It's easy to be selfish and hard to be involved." It's true. I wish sometimes that I could just got to bed and sleep. But I struggled every night with K for him to fall asleep. I can't help but help him. It's not easy but it's worth it when he wakes up and smiles at me because finally he feels rested. Chris gets depressed even when one of our kids stays with a grandparent for too long. Which always makes me happy that I found such a wonderful man. There is a reason I write of such things...it makes me so sad to see kids getting hit or treated badly. I struggle with the abuse and the abandonment even to this day. I wonder if these men know just how much damage they did to my self esteem and the effect it still has on me and the people in my life. For example: I cannot stand men with dark chest hair and back hair because my abuser had dark chest and back hair. I recently saw him at my old job. He walked right up to the counter and I said hello he acted as if he didn't even know who I was. I told him "my name is Jenny I was your step daughter for 7 years."   but what I really wanted to say was, " my name is Jenny you beat me for 7 years!" I shook for almost and hour after he left. It takes a coward to hit a child. My abuser would hit me because someone made him feel bad about himself. If your that angry go hit a wall but a child can't fight back and is that really the legacy you want to leave behind? Do you really want your kids telling your grandkids how you used to hit them or how you where so mean that they never knew if you loved them? I don't want that. I want my grandkids to think I was awesome as a cook and as a person.
        I have a cousin who's mother would always tell her she was stupid and it always mad me so angry because here was this kid who was in honor roll and taking on so many activities and trying so hard to make her mother happy that nothing was ever good enough. Now I feel like she is living the life she is because she doesn't think she's worth more than she is right now and I don't see much for growth as a person. Unless something or someone comes in and shows her that there is more to life than what she has and that she deserves more than that town and that job. Some abuse leaves marks that cannot be seen by other or even the abused. Verbal abuse is just as bad as the physical. It makes me sad that my family has so many issues but I know we are not alone in our struggles. Everyone has problems most worse than mine. But I hope that by writing this I can work through my issues and maybe shed some light on yours. Maybe together we can work through the pain of the past and find a brighter side of things.  If anything else please know that if you find yourself in a place where there is abuse there are places to go for help.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


So being a housewife and having not much to do is harder than I thought it was going to be. On a regular basis I do laundry and dishes as well as taking care of my two kids. My oldest is 4 and the baby is 4 months old. Here lately I have been feeling a bit tense. The problem is we live in a small town and there isn't much to do. I have started writing and plan on it taking a year to finish but I will be writing a love story. I also am taking control of my diet. For the past year I have been using my new kid as a reason to eat whatever I want. From now on we will no longer have sodas in the house and will be eating like we were before I got pregnant. This will be my outlet. I will talk about my book, diet, and ecigs. 
  Chris and I have been vaping for 3 years and it has been a up and down path. There are times where it is good and times where it is bad. It's hard to get a good taste all the time and sometimes you get a mouthful of burnt flavor and it is so gross. Other times you get a good flavor and it's worth it. Sometimes I think I would go get a pack of smokes because at least it's gross all the time. But then I look at my kids and think Devin hasn't had an ear infection in over a year and I would hate to be the reason he feels bad. Devin used to be sick all the time and we didn't smoke in the house or cars but he always had ear infections upper respiratory infection. Dec 18, 2010 was when we quit. There have been slip ups but nothing like before. When there has been slip ups it's been because of our ecigs not working. Like for instance I recently went to Austin with my mom. I took 2 batteries, my pack charger, and 4 bottles of liquid. I Had trouble with my pack charger charging my batteries. I bought a throw away from a convenient store that should have lasted me at least a day and it lasted only 6 hours. I finally broke down and smoked my cousins cigarette. I was sick to my stomach all night cause that was my first smoke in 10 months. I felt so bad.  
    That is the hard thing about not smoking. I have an addiction and I'm trying to do it in a way that's better for the people around me. I never realized how intrusive smoking was until I quit. I can smell cigarette smoke from across the street. At least with an ecig it's not all in your face. My mom has such a bad reaction to smoke but she will let me vape in her car and house. It's been better for everyone. 
    I  buy my stuff from volacnoecigs.com if you are interested but don't want to make the leap you can get the disposables http://www.volcanoecigs.com/volcano-disposables.html we have the magma. Really all you need to buy is a battery, charger, atomaizer, and a bottle of liquid. Our favorite is the sweet tart. I do not recommend the tank it leaves you with a taste of burnt plastic. The cartomizer has a rope taste to me. So I stick with just the atty. 

That is about it for now but I hope to make a habit of writing in this. 
                      Mrs. COOPDIZZLE