Saturday, December 3, 2011


So being a housewife and having not much to do is harder than I thought it was going to be. On a regular basis I do laundry and dishes as well as taking care of my two kids. My oldest is 4 and the baby is 4 months old. Here lately I have been feeling a bit tense. The problem is we live in a small town and there isn't much to do. I have started writing and plan on it taking a year to finish but I will be writing a love story. I also am taking control of my diet. For the past year I have been using my new kid as a reason to eat whatever I want. From now on we will no longer have sodas in the house and will be eating like we were before I got pregnant. This will be my outlet. I will talk about my book, diet, and ecigs. 
  Chris and I have been vaping for 3 years and it has been a up and down path. There are times where it is good and times where it is bad. It's hard to get a good taste all the time and sometimes you get a mouthful of burnt flavor and it is so gross. Other times you get a good flavor and it's worth it. Sometimes I think I would go get a pack of smokes because at least it's gross all the time. But then I look at my kids and think Devin hasn't had an ear infection in over a year and I would hate to be the reason he feels bad. Devin used to be sick all the time and we didn't smoke in the house or cars but he always had ear infections upper respiratory infection. Dec 18, 2010 was when we quit. There have been slip ups but nothing like before. When there has been slip ups it's been because of our ecigs not working. Like for instance I recently went to Austin with my mom. I took 2 batteries, my pack charger, and 4 bottles of liquid. I Had trouble with my pack charger charging my batteries. I bought a throw away from a convenient store that should have lasted me at least a day and it lasted only 6 hours. I finally broke down and smoked my cousins cigarette. I was sick to my stomach all night cause that was my first smoke in 10 months. I felt so bad.  
    That is the hard thing about not smoking. I have an addiction and I'm trying to do it in a way that's better for the people around me. I never realized how intrusive smoking was until I quit. I can smell cigarette smoke from across the street. At least with an ecig it's not all in your face. My mom has such a bad reaction to smoke but she will let me vape in her car and house. It's been better for everyone. 
    I  buy my stuff from if you are interested but don't want to make the leap you can get the disposables we have the magma. Really all you need to buy is a battery, charger, atomaizer, and a bottle of liquid. Our favorite is the sweet tart. I do not recommend the tank it leaves you with a taste of burnt plastic. The cartomizer has a rope taste to me. So I stick with just the atty. 

That is about it for now but I hope to make a habit of writing in this. 
                      Mrs. COOPDIZZLE

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